We regret any inconvenience and have taken steps to avoid similar situations in the future.” “Upon further review, it was determined that the notices should not have been sent and retractions were issued immediately. The ESA state the following: “ESA was notified this morning that potentially erroneous DMCA notices had been transmitted by one of its vendors,” the organization told Ars. The ESA have since apologized for the wrongful DMCA claims for the Dying Light mod files that were uploaded. Several days later the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) caught wind of the DMCA notices. The community came together to bring some of the best mods for Dead Island, why is this filter mod being shunned by the dev and publisher? First, countless amounts of customer feedback in regards to Dead Island having frame rate or connectivity issues that remain unfixed to this day, and now this. If you plan to restrict players from enjoying the game the way they want to with certain cosmetic filters that do not by any means appeal to a wide audience, expect people to mod it. In order to remove filters for Techland’s previous titles, such as motion blur, or to increase the FOV (Field of View) you had to mod certain files within the game, because they seemed disinterested in allowing PC players to have the freedom they’re used to with these options.

Hold on, since when was removing an unwanted filter considered cheating? I am aware that this is the case for any VAC enabled game but that is not the case for Dying Light. If we look at the patch notes for patch 1.2.1 you will see the line “blocked cheating by changing game’s data files”. If Techland didn’t allow the player to disable this function, we should be allowed to mod the filter out… shouldn’t we? Hold on a minute, RedGamingTech mention that WB Games are apart of this organisation, so this would imply that WB Games are filing legitimate Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) take down notices on modders… this is definitely not a good reaction to have from WB Games simply due to a cosmetic alteration that may not be liked by certain players, ie myself (I hate film grain on any game). taken down by Company: Entertainment Software Association. Shortly after these files were uploaded, they were taken down via a violation of the file sharing websites Terms of Service…. Over the release of Dying Light, two Redditers by the names of drogean2 and Descatusat created a mod to remove the film grain that’s always on, and uploaded the mod to MediaFire and TinyUpload.